Did I overreact, and overthink ?

Last night me and my bf were in the car, and I was telling him about how my aunt just got cheated on, and how he didn't tell her, and 
I started to mini rant, I said " I don't understand why a man cheats, if he really loves her, he wouldn't hurt her,  when you love someone their always on your mind" 
And he said " yes, but love isn't about sex, it's two different things" 
At this point I'm just really trying to understand what he's saying. And I said, "it doesn't matter, if you love someone, you wouldn't destroy them.., blah blah blah"
And I asked him if he would ever cheat, which I know is an absurd question, and he said no, I love you, (he's 23 and I took him virginity) I've never been in the situation where I would cheat, he has two relationships before me, both lasted two years. He said "I know I would never cheat, I'm not the type to go and talk to other girls..blah blah " "but I don't know myslef, idk if it would happen in the moment" and he started getting confused with what he was saying, then he said " I know I would never cheat, but I'm not saying that their is a zero % chance that I'll never cheat or hurt you" part of me understands what he's saying, it just hurt so much to hear that. The way he said it, gave me that heat in the throat feeling. So I stopped talking, and he did too, it was awkward silence for about 45 minutes, their were here and there sentences, he would say I love you, and how do you feel? and I kept saying idk what to say, (I'm over emotional because I've been through so much in my life, I can't take pain, even the chance of me getting hurt again scares me so much) 
He is a really good guy, I know that, I just couldn't comprehend him saying that, he loves me, he would never cheat on me, but their a possiblity,  after the 45 minutes, he asked me if I wanted to go home, I replied with an "I guess" when we pulled up to my house, he unbuckled his seatbelt, and I just got out and walked away, I was walking the opposite direction of my house, and ofcourse he followed me, it was night, I started crying and stuff, (I'm so emotional because the day I was cheated on by my ex, 
 Was the day I was getting my cancer surgery, that I didn't really have a good chance of survive, so to find that out literally destroyed me) anyways. He cought up to me, and he was getting emotional. He kept saying he was sorry he just wants to be honest with me, I overreacted didn't I ? Idk