Just wanted to tell someone...

I'm 17, turning 18 in two months and my boyfriend and I have been together for 8 months. I have no one to tell this to that wouldn't call me crazy or anything so I thought I'd just confess on here because everyone is so supportive.. my boyfriend and I have had two pregnancy scares and one miscarriage... I really want a baby. I know I'm young but I swear he's the man I wanna marry, however he doesn't want kids till we do get married. I'm really struggling with this urge to be a mother, I just want a baby so bad, and all the difficulties that come with him/her. I wonder a lot if there's something wrong with me because I want to be a mom so badly at such a young age, but I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about it, and I know it's wrong but I'm faced with this decision again. My boyfriend and I never use condoms because I'm on the pill and we had sex three days ago. I truly forgot my pill yesterday and this week is the inactive week of pills. I'm really struggling with wether or not to skip the inactive ones or not because I want a baby so badly, but my boyfriend doesn't right now. And this is why I wonder if there's something wrong with me, because I know the moral thing to do is skip the inactive pills and catch up on the active ones but there's a big part of me telling me to try and see if I get pregnant. 
I just had to get this all out.