READ!! 💙

I think what really bothers me the most about socal media is that people don't really care about if they hurt them or not. Let me tell you a story of my life. When I was just a baby I lost my father at the age of 1, I had no idea what he was like. I heard great things about this man. Once I was about 8 I got raped. Both me and my sister did. We never told my mother until we were older. When I was in 6th grade I got bullied from being ugly not having the nice clothes like those other girls had. Well when I was in 8th grade my sister went to prison. That's when my sister and I told my mother that we've been rapped. My mother was heartbroken that we never told her sooner! Still from this day I don't like talking about my past, it's something I NEVER want to repeat over again! The point about this. Is life is true short and make every moment of your life the best b/c you've no idea when the last day is.... I was blessed with true handsome boys and a wonderful husband!Â