I'm shy around porn

So, a few days ago my friends and I were eating lunch when the subject of porn came up. Most of my friends are guys, but one of them is a girl like me, and all have apparently watched, enjoyed, and had their own preferences about porn. I on the other hand  hasn't really watched it, and felt really awkward for a bit. My friends kinda assumed I haven't watched it, because i've always been the more innocent one of the group I guess, and they were right. well, actually this one time my my friend tried to get me to watch it with her once and i just felt really embarrassed and like i shouldn't have been watching it, so it's not like i have no clue what it was.  Anyways, we are all 16/17 and juniors in high school, and i was just wondering if it was normal/okay for me to feel embarrassed about the existence of porn and if it's normal for people my age to be watching it. I'm so sorry if it's weird to be asking but it's just been bugging me for a couple of days!