Ultrasound is finally tomorrow

So I will be 23 weeks on tuesday and have finally got my ob to give me orders for an ultrasound. I was trying to get it done before my 11 year wedding anniversary this past saturday, but unfortunately wasnt able to. The place where I go to the drs had one of their ultrasound machines break and wouldn't have gotten one from them until march 2nd. I was so upset. Ended up having them print out the order for me. Then I called another place to schedule one and they transfer me to the ob department. I hung up even more upset. Then I called another place and made an appointment for monday. Not as soon as I wanted, but way sooner than march. When I got home after my dr appointment, I explained to my husband and started crying. I had really wanted to get a canvass with all of our kids ultrasound pictures and give it to him for our anniversary. But we did have a nice kid free anniversary thanks to my sister-in-law and she even kept all 5 of our kids for the night.