contractions for 6 hours now

Lisa Aurora
Hey guys. 
I've had contractions for 6 hours now ranging between 2-6 minutes in between. (Thanks castor oil) I called L&D and they said until I can't talk or walk during Them don't come to the hospital. Also I can tell my contractions are peaking. Some Ben last over a minute and a half!
Granted yes I can talk through them but I have to close my eyes and concentrate really hard. As they do hurt and spread from my back to my entire tummy. Oh And it's 130am I'm not walking around to figure out if I can or not. 
I don't know it's making me nervous that I have to wait until I can't talk or walk? I also have a pretty high pain tolerance so that makes me just as nervous.
Basically what im getting at is what would you guys do!? Should I go up there and risk being turned away? I feel like that's a broad statements to give all women as everyone perceives pain differently. But again I've never given birth so I don't know. 
Al I know for sure is This definitely is the real deal. Help! Again, I'm a FTM so I know labor can be pretty long the first time. Sorry if this is all over the place. 
Xo- lisa