Girl Names

My husband and I decided to not find out the gender of our baby. The only problem with that is we have to come up with a boy and girl and name.  Boy names we are set had have 3 possible names...girl names on the other hand we have one and not set on it!! I would really like to incorporate my grandma's middle name who passed away just a few weeks before we found out we were pregnant which is Ann. However, that is also my husband mom's middle name as well. I fear that on his side that is what it will become that we named the baby after her instead of the real reason 😔 I also feel that if we do that we are leaving out my mom. Am I wrong for feeling bad about this? Almost to the point that I just want to name my baby if it's a girl a complete random name. Otherwise if anyone has any ideas on how to incorporate the name Ann and then my mom is Marybeth. So far all we have come up with is Brianna Elizabeth, which is not horrible but not sure I am sold on it yet.