reminder: be grateful!(:

H • BLM // Click the link in my bio to learn more about what you can do to help
hi lovely ladies(: lately i've been seeing a lot of negativity, and not even just on this app, but outside in actual people-to-people interactions (which a lot of people blame on it being winter time, which i understand), so i just wanted to talk to y'all for a second. you are all amazing, beautiful, incredible women. and seeing a lot of you negative or in bad moods because of little things often saddens me. you've got a roof over your head, food on your table, people who love you (especially the incredible supportive community on this app), and a lot of people don't have any of those things. so let me just say, girl, you are on the right track! i get complaining. i'm not saying you can't do it. sometimes there are days when you're just like "wow... today flat out sucked". i totally get it. i'm talking about seeing everyday as a burden and not seeing the good in everything ever. it's number one not healthy for yourself, but number two also pretty negative for others around you. i mean, if you're reading this, girl you woke up today, and let me say how happy i am to have you! but i think we as humans often forget how truly blessed we are to have the things that we do, and focus too much on the "wants" that we don't have rather than the "needs" that we do. i think we could all use some perspective sometimes. so to close: have a beautiful, wonderful day. you all deserve it. everyday may not be good, but there's something good in everyday. sending love (: