High Blood Pressure?!

FTM here--my blood pressure has been running EXTREMELY high during pregnancy, around 160/110 recently (I check it 8 times per day). Prior to being pregnant, my BP was always lower than normal (100s/70s), so this has been a huge concern to me as I also have type 1 diabetes. 😩 My high-risk Doctor put me on two different BP meds, which I have been taking for the past month--and I see him once per week JUST to check my BP. Today at my appointment, my BP was 158/96 and he says he feels comfortable with it being there. For some reason I still feel like that's dangerously high...He's even still anticipating that I will have a normal vaginal birth, but I'm starting to get even more concerned as I've seen others post about having to schedule being induced due to high BP. 
Does anyone else have experience/current issues with high BP pertaining to pregnancy that can offer advice?