Graves disease

Im 36 been ttc for 2 years. Im so upset ive had chemical pregnancies and no baby. Well i figured out my thyroid is messed up my tsh is below normAl or comes one decimal point above normal with symptoms. I just unfortunately got my period and it was a normal one. I just started this medicine for thyroid tapazole a month ago. I had to keep switching doctors before i finally got meds bc one said i waz normal even though i ate like crazy and couldn't get above 105lbs . what a waste of time. Before i went on meds my periods were really light and short i would get so mad bc i thought it was implantation bleeding. My question is did anybody successfully conceive after being diagnosed with graves disease and meds. My symptoms like sweats and feeling like menopause went away thank God because having thid baby is tbe only way i can move on from what happened years ago and id love to parent this child. Ive gotten pregnant easily in my 20s and now its like wtf i dont feel like a woman. I had no breast changes most cycles my whole cycle before these meds and they were small and saggy it was horrible. Now they are growing along with my cycle. Should i start over counting my ttc time bc i didnt have proper meds? I am mad i got my period this month but it was a regular heavy day 2 nd 3 period not scant like i had before meds. Should i count this as ttc cycle 1? If i dont suceed in 6 months im either going to order clomid or save for the hsg i dont have time to play around im 36. I started ttc at 34. Do you think i should save for a hsg now or that time didnt count. My insurance doesnt cover fertility im scared my tubes are blocked or something and im going to hsve to pay. My ultrasounds say they are not swollen like blocked tubes and my tests are nornal. I dont want <a href="">ivf</a> or otber expensive stuff im hoping for natural.It was hard not to get pregnant in my 20s and now wtf. Im so tired of being not pregnant and whenever im a doctors office or ER and i hear "it's negative" i want to scream and i cant congratulate pregnant ppl on facebook no more and i avoid people bc im so depressed. Please help with answers on what i should do