Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!! 🤔

Hey ladies, I went to my Dr yesterday for my CD15 scan to see how I did this round on (100mg) Clomid. I was surprised by the results. Just 1 lonely follicle developed. I was certain there would be more due to dosage amount. I guess the dosage really doesn't matter.(?) I had tons of questions for my Dr and he took the time to answer them. I asked him to take a look at my chart from last cycle and to see if he thought I ovulated when I marked it on the chart. (I had already showed him this chart last cycle, but the cycle wasn't complete yet) Anyways, he looks at the chart and says, well it looks like you ovulated on CD10/11! So, my next question was, how could that be when I was here on CD13 for my scan & I had 2 follicles that were ready? So, he went back & pulled the scan images for that time. He looked at it a little closer this time and said well you did only have one. The other ovary had a corpus luteum(which is what happens after you ovulate) I was so disappointed in learning this. I couldn't believe it, I had ovulated way before my appointment and only a couple of days after ending my round of Clomid. I'm at the point that I just want to give up. I don't want to continue pumping my body full of these drugs and they not work entirely. I had an actual breakdown yesterday after I got home. I hadn't done that in the entire time we've been trying. I feel betrayed by my Dr too. How could he miss this info on my last scan? I just don't understand!!! 😭