OB Appointment Advice Needed!

I have always gone to a gynecology practice for my "female" medical care needs. They don't practice OB at all. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago and went in to my gynecologist to have everything confirmed. They did an ultrasound for me at 6w4d and I found out that I am having twins! Everything looked great, there were two strong heartbeats, and the babies are in separate sacs. 
My gynecologist said that the next step would be for me to pick out an OB and set up an initial appointment with them. I called the OB practice I have chosen and they said the doctor won't see me until I am 10 weeks. I went ahead and made an appointment for March 6th. 
I am now 8w1d and I have been losing my mind with worry every day. My mind races thinking about Vanishing Twin Syndrome, miscarriage, the babies development, etc. I haven't had any bleeding or cramping, but this is my first ever pregnancy and I just can't stop thinking about all of the things that would and could go wrong especially since I am pregnant with twins.
I wish that the OB would see me sooner so that I can meet her and talk through my anxieties and have another ultrasound to make sure that both babies are still okay. 
I would really appreciate hearing some advice and opinions from any other moms out there who have had twins or have experience in the medical field. Is it normal to wait until 10 weeks to see an OB for the first time? Should I beg them to see me sooner or calm down and wait it out?
Thank you in advance! XoXo