Projectile vomiting for the win!

So I got induced 2/16 because of low fluid levels. Spent all of 2/17 in labor with not much progress, and on 2/18 things got going after cervidal, a balloon and pitocin. I decided to get an epidural before the pitocin, because the cervidal and balloon had me contracting pretty good, and they said the pitocin would make things go way faster. Well I couldn't lay on my left side because my sons heart rate would drop everytime as soon as I laid on it, so my epidural already wasn't even. I felt all my contractions, and they were pretty terrible. By 5 pm I still hadn't made much progress, so they have me something that knocked me out for a good 3 hours, because I was in soooo much pain I couldn't stop crying. When I woke up, I called my nurse in because I felt like I had to go to the bathroom so bad, and I told her I feel like I need to push. She was surprised, because they had placed an internal monitor so they could see the intensity of my contractions and they said they didn't look to big( oh but they were) when she checked me, she was shocked! He was 100% ready to go. They had my resident doctor rush in and I started pushing. My whole body hurt so bad from the contractions that i started feeling nauseous. I told my nurse I was gonna throw up and she got me a little pan to throw up into. Yeah I projectile vomited right pass that pan, all over the floor. Good news is I pushed him almost all the way out, in those 2 mins of vomiting, bad news I had to sit through 2 contractions because they had to wait for my actual doctor to come in and deliver him. So hours of pushing turned into about 30 mins👍🏽 It was all worth it, and I had my baby boy 
2/18 @ 8:16pm 
7lbs 14oz 
Kingston Avery 💙