
This morning I took a test and ended up with a faint positive. I was incredibly happy but incredibly paranoid that it wasn't really positive. After all this time I couldn't believe it finally happened. At 11:15am I had a blood test to confirm and at 1:30pm I was told that the results came back negative. A urine pregnancy test is supposed to need your HCG levels to be at least 25. Mine was 4. I was crushed. My point of this post is to warm you that false positives do happen and sometimes that faint line doesn't mean you're pregnant. I hope this saves someone from getting their hopes up to high when they get a very faint positive. These are my tests. Not every faint line does mean pregnant. The original photo I took right after I tested but deleted as soon as I got the bad news. This is from a few hours later but the lines are the same shade as they were when I first took them. They are not evap and they are two different brands. It wasn't a chemical pregnancy. My doctor ruled that out this morning. I simply was never pregnant.