Cheating- alittle TMI

Ashley • 20. First pregnancy.
How can men hide that they are cheating.... I've been with this guy and he cheated on me he was with another girl for a month before I found out. He never met the girl but he still sent nude to her and she sent them back. My thing is that even tho they may not have had sex but he was still look at another body and someone else saw his. I've let it go but I still have so many mixed feelings about I still think about it. There was so much I wanted to know that he wouldn't tell me, my most important thing was how long he planed to keep it going. It hurts to know he'd do something like this bc his friend stuck up for him when I was doubt and said he would never do something like that he felt so bad when he found out that he was the one by my side helping me figure things out. Yes I'm still with the guy but I have no trust any more I don't know if I should trust him or not. Ladies should I trust him? I had that gut feeling he was cheating on me and he'd always tell me no he's not but he really was so now I don't even know what to believe. Wed be lying in bed and he say things like your the last girl I wanna be with, the last girl I wanna be "inside". Like I don't know if I can even believe these comments.. I'm stuck what should I do.