Okay ladies I need your help, advice, whatever ya got really because I suck at calculating stuff and I don't know all the facts...  😂 let me just give you the run down... In January I started my period on the 6th and ended on the 9th.. that's regular for me. It said I was fertile the 18th through the 24th and I would be ovulating on the 23rd!! I had unprotected sex 2 days before ovulation.. on the 21st. After that I had sex 4 more times unprotected before starting my next period in February.. even though that doesn't matter.. anyways! Moving on to February.. I started my period on the 6th and it went through the 10th... pretty regular. Now that you know my info... I guess I just need to hear it from someone! I know that if you have sex 2 days before ovulation that you can get pregnant... but I guess the first question is 1. How common is it to get prego 2 days before ovulation? And my second thing is I had a period in February that seemed to start the same day January did.. all seemed regular.. but I want to know.. question 2. How common is it for you to have a period that's kind of light-medium & be pregnant. I mean my mom was pregnant with my sister and she had her period before she found out !! So I know it's possible.. but how common? And what is the reason for that is what I want to know!! Also I'd like to add, I started spotting this past Saturday like.. light brownish/reddish... but there was a little faint pink-reddish blood it just wasn't bright like period blood by no means! And Sunday when I was having sex.. literally during sex I started not bleeding bright!! But it was like light brownish with some dark brown and light red/pink stuff. Whatever u wanna call it. Blood or discharge... idk. But just for a minute it was on my bf and I... soo it was enough of it to see it but it was almost clear at the same time too like you couldn't really see it on him... anywho. It was only a couple of days. I think I spotted on Thursday & Friday too. I can't remember. I just don't see what it could be. Like implantation bleeding is usually light light... right? And it only happens like 2 days? Or could I be having another period in the same month.. because I already had a period this month.. but if it was why was it so light like that. Like me periods are never that light! And this has never happened before just so you know. Don't ask about symptoms.. bc every time I have a preg scare I feel like I think up symptoms and get scared and freak myself out more than I already am. I mean the only thing I can think of is. When I went on a 2 day "vacation" this weekend I got really nauseous throughout the day.. I've sorta been feeling dizzy.. And idk if this has anything to do with it but I've had insomnia like crazy! And sorry for tmi.. but I've been constipated!!!! Idk. It's probably all in my head. I just need relivement.