First trimester blues

I'm 34 and had been concerned I wouldn't conceive as hypothyroid and bit older but was delighted to find it happened fairly quickly for us after all.
I found out I was pregnant whilst I had flu. Im 11weeks pregnant now  and for most of that I've felt awful and it's getting me down now.  I've had quite a few days off work. I'm a veterinary nurse and my job is busy, I also can't do a lot of things that I did at work due to being pregnant. I used to exercise 3-4 times a week but due to nausea/ vomiting and tiredness I haven't been to gym in ages. I'm feeling down and feel I'm not coping very well. I've experienced depression in my past and worried I'm going there again but if I didn't feel so ill all the time I think I'd be ok. People tell me how pregnancy is wonderful yet I've felt awful so far and am hating it. My life just seems to revolve around sleeping and the toilet for sickness! I feel quite alone even though my partner is great and helping more, although he's away on a course atm. Anyone else feel the pregnancy blues in early stages?