And then she was here

I was induced on February 13. Went to the hospital at 7 am to be sent home because they were short staffed. Came back at 11 and was given the little tab insert in the lady bits to get things moving.
It was a very long boring day. I'd get mild contractions throughout the day but nothing exciting. 10 pm that evening they checked me said there was more action cause contractions were getting stronger. 
I managed to get some sleep but woke up at one. No contractions, nothing. So I desired to do a walk up the hallway and go back to bed. 
2 am. I felt a snap crackle pop, jolted me awake. Contractions full on crazy. Nurse comes to check me, tells me I'm 4 dilated and pulls the tab. As she pulls the tab my water breaks.
They wheel me to the delivery room where my doctor happened to be, they convince him to check me cause he was just going to head home.
In less than 5 minutes I went from 4 to 8 dialated.
Didn't have time for much of drugs they gave me a dose of fentenal to take the edge off. 
At 3:29am on Valentine's Day, my little turtle entered the world.
9 pound and 11 ounces. 21 3/4 long. Her clavicle got fractured on exit, but you wouldn't know it unless you move her the wrong way.
They stitched me up cause I had a second degree tear, and after I got cleaned up I walked out of the delivery room. Still haven't taken any pain meds since the fentenal. 
Induced, nothing happened till 2am. Dialated quick, gave birth at 3:29am. 
Baby was 9 pounds, 11 ounces. Has a broken clavicle. Walked out of delivery room.