Dead people trying to contact me!

So recently i have been feeling werid. I see this girl she is the most prettiest girl ever she wears a white wedding dress and follows me upstairs. I can feel her presence when i look at her she is there and then i blink and she is gone. When i walk down stairs i see two kids like five years old one is in a blue dress the other one is in a pink dress. They both have light brown hair in piggy tails. When doors are left open i see a hand. On the door and sometimes a eye peeking in. The hand has medium long nails and is really dirty and looks like their is mud. I once had proof of it. I was taking a shower and a saw a man looking me into the eyes. I blinked and he was gone. Once i was done i saw a hand print on the wall. I measured it to mine and it was to big. Their was no one is the restroom while i was showering except for who i saw. I wiped it off so no one thought i was crazy. im not tired or doing drugs. Any ways has this happen to you or do you have any explaining of why this is happening?