I should have been....

I should have been preparing for the delivery room this week, you see I'm due on the 28th, in February.  
I say I should have been, because I lost my baby. My baby left and went to heaven before I can hold my baby in my arms.
I was doing ok, until this month, February.
Now I cry, I feel sorry for my empty hopes, empty dreams, and empty womb. 
I see everyone, who was due around the same time as me, deliver such beautiful, healthy, and strong baby's and I say why not me?
I find that we can not claim our happiness on the what if's, but instead find hope and find joy in the here and now's, and let that be our happiness. 
I just needed somewhere to form my thoughts and release some of my sadness. I appreciate whatever feedback I receive, thank you for taking some time to read this.