Had an argument with the midwife


So I've been having contractions 6 minutes apart since 2:30pm it's now 8pm. Been into see how far a long I am and as soon as the midwife walked in she had this snotty attitude like I was wasting her time. She asked if I had taken paracetamol or any painkillers for the pain and I said no I don't take any... Her face changed as if say silly little girl. Made me feel like I had no clue, sorry I don't take and medication that you can buy from the supermarket what's the point it doesn't work and definitely won't help with the amount of pain I'm in. I go so wound up I couldn't stop crying and she's like well what are you going to do when it gets worse... Well clearly I will take what you suggest but for now I'm good I don't want shity tablets that don't even work for headaches.

She examined me and I'm still only 1cm dilated and 50%effaced but she said it's cus baby is lying slightly to my left and he needs to turn and face my back before anything else progresses!

Come home feeling annoyed and more in pain. Hopefully when I go back she won't be on shift cus I can't be dealing with her judging me what I decided to put in my body!!!

Sorry for the rant I'm just in so much pain