am I being crazy ?

Sorry if this is long but please bear with me here.
My boyfriend and I got in a big fight because he wanted to hang out with his friend today only no one would be him just him and her. She thinks she's a lesbian but has been home schooled her whole life so TBH I think she doesn't know anything for sure. My boyfriend has cheated on me once by sexting with an ex but has been caught lying a couple times and I asked him if he could just move their hang out up to this weekend bc I wouldn't have work or school so I could at least be there ya know. But it turned into a big arguement and she ended up coming over anyway which bothers me and pisses me off because he knew how uncomfortable t made me. I just feel like he's choosing her over me and I'm not saying he can't ever hang out with her I'm just asking if I could be there ya know. I feel like it's common courtesy not to hang out alone with the opposite sec when in a relationship. Do you think I'm overreacting ? Honestly