Help!! Pregnant?? or just me overthinking??

I'm 17 and I recently had sex a couple of times with my boyfriend. He has been wearing a condom, and we check to make sure there are no holes or tears in it. I have not been taking birth control. I've noticed some weird things happening, and it could be normal but I am honestly not sure. I'm trying to avoid pregnancy. My mom doesn't know that we have had sex, and I don't have bad acne. So I've been afraid to ask her for birth control. I've been spotting a lot, and it is brown. I know it is usually just from your period after, but it hasn't really gone away. I'm hoping it's just dry blood. Also my tastebuds have been super weird, but again idk if it's just me thinking or if it's me actually being prego!! Honestly I just need advice because it's still so early, and my period is scheduled to start in 4 days. I'm really nervous and idk a lot about timing everything. If someone can give advice?? Or just positive comments?? 😬 Crossing my fingers that I get my period this month.