Busy Life for Relationships

Sara • Stressed but well dressed
So my boyfriend and I have known each other for a long time. And even when we haven't been dating, we've remained best friends (but some how always end up back together). We're in high school and he has baseball season coming up. I'm going to be gone all of spring break and the summer, because I'm a counselor at a camp (I don't come home at all). We don't want to break up but tonight he told me that he was worried, he's nervous, not because he doubts how he feels about me, but because he wants to be there for me but we're both going to be insanely busy in the coming months. I wasn't nervous at all, until he said something. I was trusting it all in God's hands, I actually felt very secure. But now I'm nervous. Any suggestions on what you think I should do?