
So I'm getting married in march 2018!! Yay. I'm 19 and he's 21. So we're young. He's in the airforce so I guess that's why. I'm in college to become a nurse, I believe in working hard for what I have, and I need no one to take care of me. Recently he said something that confused me. I told him this and he got an attitude. He was all I've been taking care of you for all these years what's the difference now? I kind of got mad. Yeah we've been together since I was in the 11th grade and he was in the 12th but I don't know where that came from. 😂 my mother says guys like the thought of taking care of their woman sometimes. But I don't need him. I love him to death but I don't need him. Anyway I guess what I'm asking is wouldn't y'all kind of get upset if your man said this too you? Or am I overreacting?