how to get out of a long distance and manipulative emotionally abusive relationship?

I've finally decided that I've had enough of just letting him make me this depressed and anxious. I can't even hear my phone ding without being scared to see his name pop up on my screen. I can't just leave him. It's not that simple for me. He would say nice words and false promises and I would go running back to him like I did the last time. We were going to move in together, but I don't feel safe being with him anymore. I feel like all he wants from me is sex and someone to take care of him. He doesn't care that I'd be leaving my state and going to his just to be with him and change what I want to do in college (I'm 18, he's 26) because the college that's closest to him doesn't offer what I want to do and he won't let me go to any of the colleges that aren't as close. He doesn't care that I'm always tired because he rarely lets me sleep and then he gets mad at me because I'm too tired to stay awake. He doesn't care that I've given up my guy friends because they made him jealous. He doesn't care when I tell him no to sending nudes. He forces me to send them by making me feel guilty. I'm tired of it. I'm ready to be happy again.