My ex wants me back!

So my ex reached out to me back in November for the first time in 6.5 years. 😱We broke up back then because he so suddenly wandered elsewhere one time. I never knew why until now since he has explained his part and apologized continuously and says that he hasn't found anyone better. I forgave him because he was and still is a good guy the best bf I've ever had, but that trust was broken and I never date my exes. But for some reason I am considering it with him because we both were super young back then we didn't know things that we do now. We have went out on one date and are on for another one and he still has those same qualities that I loved back then. ❤ All of my friends and close family think I should carefully give him another chance they all still love him. So what do you all think? Should I give him another chance now that we are older and more mature adults or still leave him in my past? 🤔