Rainbow baby


I'm so excited to finally get my BFP. I had a miscarriage last year and 2 the year before that. I do have 3 boys but I knew my family just wasn't complete and I wanted to try 1 more time for a girl. So now everyday I make it with no issues is a accomplished. I test everyday to make sure the line is still there. Any little thing in over analyzing. I told myself I would keep myself busy and hope the I make it to the 2nd trimester. I can't help but be excited for this baby and want this baby. I know there's a chance I could loose it but I'm just praying everything will work out.

So far I'm doing good, I'm exhausted all the time. I work overnight so it makes it difficult to adjust. I'm bloated and gassy but other than that so far so good.

Is anyone else pregnant with their rainbow baby?