2.5 months old EBF and sleeping thru the night??

Anyone else?? FTM, my baby sleeps 7-10 hours most nights. When she wakes up my boobs are obviously huge and she's starving. When she started sleeping so long I just fed her like normal when she woke up, not thinking about it. Then should would puke up all the milk. I thought she may be eating too fast or too much at once so I would let her drain one boob and I'd pump the other and give her the bottle like half an hour later. This was working and no puking it all back up. Until this morning. She had one boob then puked. I feel so bad for her because it scares her TMI but it comes shooting out her nose and she can't breathe, it scares me too! Not to mention everything around us gets soaked. I do burp her as much as I can in between to avoid this happening but I just feel like her little tummy is empty so shes starving and eating too fast. I just don't know what to do to help her. Any thoughts / advice? 
Ps she's not sensitive to any foods I eat / doesn't get gassy, this only happens in the morning. And no I'd rather not get up in the night to pump, it's not really an option (pump is super loud and my sleep is like gold right now!!)