Just Venting..😡

My husband and I are trying for one last baby. I thought last month I was pregnant, turns out I had gallstones. So I started my period 1/27 had surgery (gallbladder removed)  1/30, 10 days later came down with the flu (horribly) and 6 days later (thanks to ovulation tests,) I ovulated. My husband and I did the deed two days before and the day I ovulated. I am having so many symptoms (though now I'm thinking they are all stupid mind over matter) such as....the 5th and 6th day after I ovulated I had some slight pinching cramps on my lower left abdomen on and off. I have felt nauseas as all hell for the last 4 days, even gagged yesterday, been sooooooo god dang exhausted all day long, can't sleep at night (mainly because I spend too much time googling my stupid symptoms) TMI alert here....my cervical mucus has been white and creamy for the last 5 days, and the last two days I was able to feel my cervix (this is too much I know, sorry) and tell that while it was high up, I could feel that it was not hard, but not soft and not open much. So I took a test today (period starts the 28th) and it was negative, which I expected since I'm not late and it's only been 4-5ish days since I felt the cramping (if that was implantation I wouldn't be far enough along to clearly get a positive test) and today my cervix was so far up I could barely touch it, but still had the white creamy CM.  Now what I have read is, the closer you get to your period, the farther down the cervix drops.....mine is rising. Someone please tell me to stop being an idiot and reading into everything and wait till I miss a period (if I do) to test. I hate this crap.Â