I think I'm have no symtoms of endometriosis

Ladies I know we cramp before our periods... but they're usually light not really painful well at least mine aren't.... the past couple of days I've had this excruciating pain in my right. Groin in pelvic area and cramps like I was on my period... i couldn't even walk with my legs buckling and my right leg almost giving out on me... at working caring for residents... I know my body better than anyone to know that this is not right especially sense I'm not even bleeding  according to here I'm supposed to start today or tomorrow I hurt so bad I'm on verge of tears... I'm waking up to it now having to take 4 of the knock off midols for all day relief and who knows maybe more I know I need to make an appointment with my doctors...(that I don't have sense I moved to this state) I'm kinda scared..