I would never leave my son, but god this is hard.

Oly • SAHM who loves movies, nerdy games, music and cooking
I would never let my family know that my depression is creeping back. There are days I cry because everything is so overwhelming, cleaning, cooking, not one not two but three dogs in a small apartment with a baby who has to be held constantly because he has a head fracture from me bonking his head while doing dishes!!! And trying to spend quality time with my husband who just got promoted and will be around even less! I hate that I feel this way because my son is amazing and I never want him to think I'm unhappy in my life, I love our life and our family I wouldn't change it... but sometimes I need a break and not a crying in the showers secretly while hubby watches the baby break, like a girls shopping day with a movie and lunch break or gym with margaritas break or a date night with the husband. 
I would never tell them this cause I don't want to drag anyone down. But being a mom is the best job in the world, it's also the hardest, and sometimes I wish I could go back in time just for a little while, because I rarely gave myself selfish "what about me" time and now I don't think I will ever get it except maybe once a year. 
On top of all that I'm trying to get a part time job at home to work during my sons sleeping schedule because my husbands talking about a second job and I only see him 2 hours a day before we're so pooped we go to bed.