Ovulation is confusing this month.

Rea Rose👽💏 • ThatHouseQueen
ugh Idk what's going on, my cervix is still wide open, and I had lots of watery glue colored kinda sticky discharge this morning. I got that positive opk days ago, and I didn't have a bold one like that the next day... well today I took an opk just for the hell of it, and it's dark again like right before I got my first pos opk days ago? I did the clear blue monitor this month too, but started testing too early, and ran out of sticks, so I just continued with opk. I did get a high fertility symbol like 5 days in a row before I ran out of the clear blue sticks, and continued with opk... and advice ect on what's going on? delayed ovulation or what? Why would my cervix still be so open? I have had a dull ache and pelvic tenderness for days