nipples getting smaller. help!

Isabel • Married 6.29.13 - Three babies. One boy, Two girls 6.5.12/11.30.14/01.11.17
Just had baby #3. She's almost 6 weeks now. I breastfed my first two 6 and 8 months. Anyway, long story short. For the past week my baby has been more fussy lately and my nipples have been sore. I noticed my nipples are getting smaller too. I pump once every other day to start freezing milk for when I need to be out and about without baby. My nipples do extend at that moment but it only lasts for like 15 mins :( and I notice my baby does enjoy her bottle a lot more. 
Is there anything I can do to make my nipples grow or something? 
Or should I just switch to pumping only?