clearblue digital ovulation test confusion

So I started using the clear blue advanced ovulation tests last month. Last month I had two high fertility days and a peak day. This month I decided to use it again but started three days before my fertile days were predicted to begin. I had one low fertility day followed by a peak day. I thought it was weird that I was ovulating so early but since I miscarried in November my cycle has been different then what I was used to much longer and cramping at weird times. Anyways I thought it was odd I ovulated so early so I thought I would start testing again once the test would let me since it keeps the peak reading for two days. I expected low fertility until I ran out of tests. I had one low fertility day followed by another peak day. So now I don't know if something is wrong with the test I had or with my cycle. If I go by the first test I can take a pregnancy test today. If I go by the second test I have a week to wait. Has any one else had issues with this test?  Any ideas or recommendations?  Feeling impatient and the weird readings have me a bit preoccupied.