Prom period😩😩

Okay guys... my period is supposed to start two days before prom and I am ALWAYS miserable on my period. My boyfriend has already said he's gonna try so hard to make the day the best despite my miserableness, but please please tell me how I can avoid being miserable😩😩 I literally constantly feel like people know I'm on my period (even though I'm really comfortable with me body...), like my underwear are soaked no matter how much I refresh everything, and I get really horny about the slightest things, but don't want sex. Like help meeeee😩😩😩 and I'm gonna be in a dress and dresses and periods DO NOT MIX WELL FOR ME😭😭 and I was gonna give my boyfriend all my stuff to carry around at prom but I can't bc wtf I'm gonna have to take tampons😩 Prom is gonna suck ass.Â