2 days af?

Ttc #1!

I normally have 4 or 5 day af...well...my af is due tomorrow (Feb 24) but I had the faintest wipe or red...on monday....then about a quarter size (tmi) blob of brown....like cm...(I've never spotted in my life, I'm 27.)

Next morning, I wake up and think for sure af is here...so I put in a tampon...few hours later, I'm at work and just feel uncomfortable so I go to *change* and very little blood...bled a total of 5 hours off and on, then stopped by 12pm. (Not enough to fill a full tampon). Rest of the day, no spotting.

Wednesday (yesterday) have a total of 12 hours spotting off and on then done by 6 pm...this morning only a couple pink wipes...

Is this too much to be implantation bleeding?