I feel like I'm alone in my marriage

I have been married for a little over two years, known my husband since 14 (10 years) and I feel completely alone in my marriage. I know a large majority of women complain about how their husbands don't help around the house.  I too have that same complaint. However when you left someone little things are easy to overlook. But lately over the past couple of holidays my husband has just stopped buying gifts. I love buying my husband gifts because I feel like it's a way for me to express my love for my husband. They don't have to be expensive gifts just a card to say I love you and show how much I care about you and that I'm thinking of you was enough to satisfy my needs. I hope that doesn't sound superficial gifts are not whatI'm focused on, I truly believe that it's the thought that counts. A clean house, or a little meal made would be nice even if it's only every once in a while.But when it comes to holidays or anything else it's of importance to me my husband does not care. I try to always express my love for my husband but I feel like he never does the same he just continues on about his day as if nothing ever happened and I am not important to him. My husband and I both work 10 to 12 hour days, I still cook and clean when I get home but he never does the same. No matter the holiday or birthday it is still me who goes out of my way to ensure the home and him are taken care of. The reason I have such an issue with this is because it didn't use to be this way, he used to help, communicate and care about how I felt'. It something have changed! Any and all advice is welcome!!!!
Cheating has crossed my mind- but no proof
Ive told him holidays/birthdays are important to me
I've never tried therapy..
I honestly feel like I have gone out of my way doing little things to show my love and he just doesn't do the same which leads me to believe he doesn't care!