Should I be worried?

This will be a just a little longer than the average post, but please bear with me! So, I got off of birth control a few months ago after being on it for about five years. On BC, my periods were light-moderate, with little to no symptoms other than occasional cramping. My first two periods since then have been slightly more heavy, but still bearable. Before I ever took BC, I had moderately heavy periods with moderate cramping here and there. Well, I just started my period last night, and it has been terrible. (TMI warning) From just today, I have filled 2 entire tampons and 4 pads. I put on a pad a little over an hour ago to go get food with my husband, and when we got home, it was nearly full. I went to go to the bathroom to check it, and I could FEEL the blood dripping out of me into the toilet. Not only have I been heavy, but I have been nauseous on and off which is new to me, and I can honestly say this is the most bloated I have ever been on my menstrual. Is this something I should be concerned about? This is the heaviest and most symptomatic period I have ever had, and it's kind of scaring me.