this is what I get for no sex ed in school. can I get pregnant from this?

I have pcos so like my periods are never regular anyway except for the last two months before my missed one. At the time I was on no contraceptives or birth control or whatever because I stopped them for like two months because they made me feel miserable. My bf and I are no sexually active but twice now we've dry jumped with only boxers and panties on but he is VERY quick in the precum department so I'm wondering if there's any possibility of pregnancy from that? And also one time a couple months ago he masturbated then within like... 5 minutes fingered me which as soon as he was in I realized but like obviously length of time doesn't mean anything im just saying what happened. I just feel like such an idiot because I was never taught this and I even started birth control again because it's just so exhausting to wonder but anyway my point is I haven't had my "January" period yet and it was due the end of Jan/beginning of feb so like yeah. But again I don't have sex and I  do have pcos so I'm not like full wig out mode yet I just would love some guesses?