someone help me

Me and my bf have been together for 14 months, have had sex without a condom dozens of times and last time he came home we had sex and he tells me two days later that his dick hurts super badly. So he goes to the doctor and they tell him he has chlamydia or a uti. So the doctor gave him the treatment for chlamydia and he says that he feels better but I don't know how he would've gotten it. Unless I have it or he cheated, ik those are the only two ways. My body has never been normal, my hormones have always been a mess and I've always had a heavy amount of discharge even before I was sexually active. I don't know what to do. He doesn't get the official lab results back until Saturday and now I'm overthinking everything that my body normally does. I can't use normal soap, bathe or wear thongs because they give me a yeast infection. Medications give me yeast infections. Sex is never painful. High stress levels give me yeast infections. My parents are conservative af so it's not like I can't bring these things up to them. I don't know what to do. I'm 18 but my mom won't let me go see a doctor unless I'm physically ill and she told me that going to the lady doctor promotes premarital sex and I can't fight it because "I'm on their insurance" and even if I went without their knowledge, they'd still be billed for it and would know. Someone please give me advice or somewhere to go so someone can help me figure all this out.