8 month sleeping trouble: possible solution!

Hey ladies! Long post but I hope it will help some of you out who've been going through the same issue...
So my now 8 month old has gone through a few months of getting up every 1-1.5 hours to nurse at night. I tried crying it out but she made herself more upset and awake 🙄 we tried putting her to bed early / late ... you name it. 
I ended up asking her pediatrician if she was just teething and if I could give her some medicine and she said that between 8-9 months baby is going through a growth spurt and needs to eat as often as a newborn! PLUS...if you're breastfeeding...your milk supply is going down and you need to supplement. Since then I've been making a goat milk formula with lots of natural ingredients and giving her 4oz after each feeding and right before bed and now we're only getting up once or twice a night...PTL!!
So...that's my experience. hopefully that helps some of you out! It was a rough spell 😭 let me know if you have any questions.