He's here at 39+4 weeks at 9lbs 6oz!!

My chubbster is here!!! I was induced starting tuesday night due to my blood pressure and sugar out of control. I wasnt dialating past 3 until wednesday at 2am i finally went up to 6 centimeters yesterday morning. Those 6 centimeters werent budging and I kept getting pain meds because my sciatica felt like someone stabbed my whole back into my
lower abdomen. After my cervix wasnt progressing and the pain was unbearable for two hours straight they finally gave me a c-section. The C-section wasnt until after  the fact the power went out and my doctor was stuck in traffic. 5-7:30pm. I was in excrutiating pain screaming and crying
for the procedure to begin. When it finally did and they were prepping me the anastesiologist (bad spelling) was upset that I was in pain for so long before sending me over to the OR. The numbing started after 6 injections and the process finally began. Sadly they took my sweet boy away fast without telling me why. They didnt want to worry me but his breathing wasnt too good. Today I will hopefully get to see my chubby bubba.