My 3 day labor

On January 31st I went in to get induced at 930 pm. They started me on cytotec to start the process and I started contracting within a couple of hours. When they checked me I was at a 2cm and then they gave me another dose of the cytotec. After the 4 hours was up they checked me again and I was at a 3 so they started me on the pictocin. I was on the pictocin for a full day with no progress and I wasn't feeling my contractions when I was contracting so they put me back on the cytotec. I got the 1 dose every 4 hours 6 times and I was still at a 3 when they checked me. I wasn't progressing like I should be but I was able to feel strong contractions. My midwife suggested I get the Epidural to relax my body and help with get some kind of progress and so they can break my water. I didn't go in planning to get the Epidural but I was already in there for 2 and a half days by that time so I said yes to the Epidural. They broke my water once the Epidural kicked in and found that he has pooped inside the uterus. Within 12 hours I was 10 cm and ready to push but everytime I contracted the baby's heart rate dropped so something was wrong so on February 3rd at 202 pm I had to have a c-section. I gave birth to a beautiful 6 lb 9 oz baby boy. They told me the cord was wrapped around his neck and his head was stuck sideways in my pelvis do to the cord pulling him back.