I feel like my husband and I have reversed roles

My SO is an incredibly sweet, kind, affectionate man. He is always reaching for my hand, hugging and kissing me and telling me that he loves me. I on the other hand, am not naturally affectionate. I have to consciously think about doing those things because it is not something that I think to do. It's not that I don't love him, it's just the type of person that I am.

The other night I was arguing with my husband about him never initiating sex and when I do, he just lays there so boring.

He told me he resents me because the only time I reach for him is when I want to have sex. He says he is not attracted to someone who does not show him love on a regular basis. I told him that is ridiculous. I am not a touchy-feely person by nature but it doesn't mean I don't love him. I told him that I show him I love him in other ways. Like doing his laundry, and cleaning the house, cooking dinner for him, taking care of him when he's sick, working a full time job and carrying his baby. I am very insulted and annoyed by his nonchalant attitude towards sex. I wish he would just man up and be sexually aggressive.

I just don't know how to fix this. We both speak different love languages and we need different things from each other. I need intimacy and he needs physical touch and affection.

I just don't know how we are supposed to change who we are naturally to satisfy the other person.

Any suggestions ladies?

He is an awesome provider, he's my best friend, the love of my life. He just falls short in this one area.