Talia • Pregnant with baby #2!
okay so my LO is exactly 3 months old today. And I'm just worried something is off? She wants to eat every half our to hour and she only eats for a couple of minutes(I always make sure to burp in between and bring her back to the boob) but then she will start screaming. She will either need a diaper change or wants to sleep after that. But then she will only sleep if I am holding her. I try and put her down but make sure I wait a good 15 minutes so she's really asleep but she will wake up within 5 minutes and it's a repeat cycle of this all day everyday. Sometimes she will play with her play gym for like 10-15 minutes
Some days she will only want to eat from a bottle so I'm constantly pumping and feeding her from a bottle which basically takes up the whole day. I keep reading that moms are "running out of things to do with Thier babies" when I cannot even take her anywhere because she basically just wants to eat every few minutes and also hates her car seat to where she will scream and be drenched in sweat so I have to stop pull over and feed her to continue driving. I would just rather not take her anywhere because it's so exhausting. The highlight of my day is finally getting her to sleep in her rocker for a few minutes so I can take a quick shower. She's always been like this but it just seems to be getting worse and worse. Her doctor says everything is good and normal and she's growing great. But she doesn't see how she acts on a day to day basis. I am exhausted !!! She always wakes up every hour to every two hours at night sometimes she will sleep for four hours straight but not lately. does this sound normal!? Is she just a high maitenence baby?