Late period???

Hi guys, my period is ten days late and I don't know why. I've only ever been late once, but I have a pretty regular cycle. The only time I was late in the past was when I was under a lot of stress, but it came within five days. This time I'm really not sure what's wrong. My pregnancy test came back negative, and I'm sure you know what I mean when I say I don't feel pregnant. Like, I'm almost positive that's not it. I'm not on birth control yet but in the five weeks since my last period, of the times I've had sex, so probably about 10, every time we've used a condom, and about half the time he doesn't even finish inside me. I know I need to get on BC, and I'm getting an IUD soon, but first I want to figure this out. I've been PMSing for weeks, I feel fine otherwise, and though I've always been skinny due to a super high metabolism, i haven't really lost any weight lately (as far as I know), so I'm really not sure what's causing it. I've considered stress, but I'm just not sure. If it helps, I'm 19, almost 20, and I'm in college, and have zero plans of having kids anytime soon if at all. I'm terrified that maybe the test was wrong, even though it's super unlikely. The campus gyno is booked for weeks, and my usual gyno was closed for the day by the time I was able to call. Any ideas as to what's wrong are greatly appreciated, I'm really stressed and frustrated and I'm running out of ideas. Thank you guys! Sorry for the long post 😣