Sahm emotions

So I'm a stay at home mom my son is 4 almost 5 months and I have been feeling so lonely I don't do much besides stay home care for my son cook clean and watch tv I feel so useless and just awful sitting on my butt I miss working so much. But I also love being home with my son I feel so blessed but I don't have any interaction with adults and it's driving me crazy. My boyfriend gets home at 6 we eat than I have to feed my son bath him and put him to bed it takes a while we hardly get any time to talk or hangout and I'm just feeling like all I do it's stare at the clock waiting for him to get home it's gross and it shouldn't be like this. I miss days where I'd wake up and go to work and talked and had convos with people. I do not wanna miss anything that happens in my sons life but I also don't wanna go crazy... any ideas as if what I could do? I visit my Gma once a week and that's my highlight of the week I only talk to my son and he doesn't say much back. I feel like since iv had a baby my family Mom Brother and sisters have pushed me away they never invite me to go places with them the zoo the children's museum thrift stores nothing I find out they do these things and ask why they don't invite me and they always say I wouldn't of wanted to go anyways... um yes I would. Iv hit a dead end idk what to do I know it's probably normal to feel like your whole life has changed after having a baby. But iv never had a ton of friends just a few close ones and most importantly my family they are my friends now I hardly see them because they always ditch me when we make plans or don't invite me why are they doing this I'm heart broken.