tip of the night

I really hope this works for you too.
So a little background, my son has always been  a horrible sleeper, waking up every 30 minutes & had to have his formula bottle or else he wouldn't go to sleep (9 month old, I swear he slept better as a newborn) we tried sleep training it failed, I was so exhausted I was like okay you can sleep with us. Then out of nowhere he fell asleep on his own! It was so amazing not having to rock him & take two hours just for him to fall asleep, then again the next night and so on but waking up about four times and always wanting a bottle, I would try to trick him with just water but he would catch on & throw his bottle at me. Anyway after almost three months of co sleeping it was exhausted constant back aches and feeling drained I decided to put him back in his crib. BUT HE STILL KEPT WAKING UP AND WANTING TO COME WITH ME. 
then I got the idea to put his crib right next to my bed like legit touching, I give him his bottle once he's down his pací, gets comfy(on his tummy) & knocks out. The first night he woke up two, lastnight he woke up once(husband crawled into bed and made a lot of noise) I would hear him move but would go back to sleep on his own. It's amazing. Most sleep I have gotten in a really long time.
I know some of you moms reading this are probably like "this isn't a new tip" well it was for me and maybe some other moms out there too. I really hope it works for you if you decide to try this!