
So I have hypothyroidism and had missed quite a few doses of my synthroid. My doctor had just up'd my dose from 175mcg to 200mcg about 2 weeks ago. My last period was in October. I started yesterday and it was really light, like a normal first day for me, but today was totally different! It has been SO heavy... I am 20 and have never had one as heavy as today's 😭.. I had to stay home from work and have to watch every move I make. I'm scared what I'll wake up to tomorrow 😳 ... I'm hoping it gets better tomorrow though and ends Sunday like a normal 4 day cycle for me but I'm scared because I've read other people's stories like this that have had the heavy bleeding for a month or longer .. and I honestly could not deal with that.. mine are normally pretty reasonable. Anyone else had this happen? Or should I check with my doctor if it doesn't calm down/is still going Monday?